All orders are shipped from our depot located in France.

  • Purchases made in the Europe zone are inclusive of all taxes.
  • Purchases made in the Non-Europe zone are duty free and the importer is responsible for paying customs taxes.

Shipments are made daily, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays in France.

  • Orders registered from Monday to Friday and paid before 12 noon are shipped the day of the order.
  • Orders recorded and paid for on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are shipped on Monday or the day after the non-working day.

Our partners for transport are mainly La Poste, GLS and DHL.

  • The vast majority of delivery destinations offered are covered within 48 hours.
  • The delays can be longer for transport by plane (islands) or with customs clearance (Switzerland).

When the transport ticket for your order is edited and your package is taken over by the carrier,

you receive by email or sms a message with a link and the number of your package, to allow you to follow its delivery.

On receipt, take care to check the condition of your package and possibly to make all the necessary reservations with the carrier in case of damage.

If you have any questions regarding the delivery of your package, contact our customer service.